Monday 26 December 2011

Cyprus, Turkey

Visiting Maulana Shaykh Nazim (q) the 40th Shaykh of the Golden Chain of the Distinguished Naqshbandi Tariqah
We were granted audience with Maulana on 18th Dec, after Zuhur
Maulana spoke about Habib Noh and remind the Singapore mureeds to be loyal to Shaykh Hisham Kabanni

Presenting ourselves to Maulana
Shaykh Shakor sending regard from all the Naqshabandi mureeds from Singapore
Maulana is pleased with the mureeds in Singapore
Link-Qasidah for Maulana Shaykh Nazim perform by Singapore Mureeds

For Singapore mureeds, before making any plan to visit Maulana Shaykh Nazim (q) it is good adab to ask permission from Shaykh Ibrahim. InshaAllah Shaykh Ibrahim will assist in getting permission from Maulana Shaykh Hisham (q)

Maulana Shaykh Nazim Friday Sohbah and Hadrah

Maulana Shaykh Nazim giving Sohba after Friday Prayer on 16th Dec 2011

Link to Maulana's Friday Sohba on 16th Dec 2011

Bro Abu Bakar calling for Friday Prayer
Friday Prayer in the Lefke's Derga

Maulana Shaykh Nazim's evening stroll
Maulana being ushered to his car for his daily stroll 

Maulana Shaykh Nazim's evening stroll around Lefke

Maulana Shakh Nazim often takes his daily stroll after Sholat Zuhur. Be sure to be outside Maualan's house between 3.00 to 3.45pm if you want to catch a glimpse of Maulana...
Hadrah at Lefke Derga on 
15th December 2011
Beginning of the Hadrah

Maulana Shaykh Nazim's Grandson

End of Hadrah

It is advisable to plan your trip to coincide with Maulana Shaykh Nazim's Friday Sohba, Friday's Prayer, Hadrah and Thursday's Dzikir..

Ziarah Maqam Hajjah Amina Adil (q)

Entrance Gate, Lefke Cemetary
Maqam Hajjah Amina Adil (q)
Shaykh Abdul Shakur making Dua

It is good Adab to visit the Maqam Hajjah Amina Adil (q) everyday (if you can) as it is 5 minutes drive from the Lefke's  Derga...Hajjah Amina Adil is a renowned author, lecturer and spiritual advisor who, for more than forty years, has devoted herself to help people of all walks of life better understand Islam. In addition, she has played a pivotal role in helping Muslim women understand and apply the many distinguishing rights God Almighty set forth for women in the Islamic faith. Married for fifty years to Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, the spiritual head of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order, Hajjah Amina has traveled the world. A scholar of Shari`ah and shaykha, she has thousands of disciples throughout North and South America, Europe, the Middle and Far East, Southeast and Central Asia, and Africa. She studied under many scholars of the Middle East and Turkey, including Grandshaykh Abdullah ad-Daghestani an-Naqshbandi, among others. Hajjah Amina is from the family of Prophet Muhammad (s). Hajjah Amina passed on to the Divine Presence on November 16, 2004. May Allah grant her the Highest Paradise with: "All who obey Allah and the apostle are in the company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah,- of the prophets (who teach), the sincere (lovers of Truth), the witnesses (who testify), and the Righteous (who do good): Ah! what a beautiful fellowship!" (Surat an-Nisa, 69) (Fatiha)

Ziarah Maqam Hazret Omer Turbesi (q) and other Six Sahaba (companions of the Prophet)

Maqam of the Seven Sahabah in Girne,  about 1 1/2hrs drive from Lefke

Maqam of the Seven Sahabah

 You can perform your Sholat there as there is a surau

Bro Muhd Razib making Dua

 Inside the Cave where the body of the seven Sahabah was found

Bro Fedly at the entrance of the cave...

Bro Achmad, Sis Ayu, Bro Fedly, Bro Razib, Shaykh Shakur and Sis Nazirah at Maqam Hazret Omer Turbesi in Girne

Six kilometers to the east of Girne, North Cyprus, 1 and 1/2 hrs derive from Lefke, on the coast near Catalkoy on Omar Ceddesi (Road)  is the tomb of Hazret Omer Turbesi and six other companions, dated 7th C. 

The spectacular view of the magnificent Besparmak Mountains and the foamy waves of the Mediterranean Sea make the tomb of Omar an exquisite, peaceful location. The most wonderful aspect of the tomb is that due to it being completely out of sight, it has an atmosphere of complete tranquility. You will not only find people who have come here to pray, but people who have simply come to chat with friends, attracted by the pleasant surroundings. This tomb is one of the most popular religious sights to visit in North Cyprus, particularly during the Muslim month of Ramadan.

The tomb is in fact the final resting place of not only Commander Omer, but of six other warriors or Holy Men as well. The small mosque and Mausoleum were built during the Ottoman period at this charming coast location, and the bodies were exhumed and interred again.

Ziarah Maqam St. Barnabas (q)
Entrance to Maqam St Barnabas
Maqam of St. Barnabas
Dua at the Maqam

Outside the Maqam
Road leading to The Maqam of St Barnabas
 Road sign leading to St. Barnabas
Makam of St. Barnabas is situated between Tuzla and Salamis in Famagusta, about 2 hrs drive from Lefke.

St. Barnabas is said to be a personal Apostle of Prophet Isa (as), “a strict servant of the Law,” and, hence, one of the original Disciples of Prophet Isa (as). The Gospel of St. Barnabas is the one that contains the true teachings of Prophet Isa (as); it refers to Prophet Muhammed as the “Paraclete,” a Greek word meaning “Messenger” and “Comforter,” in Arabic al-Amin... or Patera meaning “Nourisher” or “Sustainer,”... No man of righteousness has earned the title of “the Spirit of Truth” (in Arabic al-Sadiq) more than Prophet Muhammed, a title given to Prophet Muhammed even before he had started his prophetic mission... 

St Barnabas wrote: "And I will request the Nourisher (Allah) to send you another Messenger, so that he may be (your) guide always, the inspired, the Truthful, whom the world at large will not welcome because it will not comprehend or appreciate him, but you (believers) will recognize him. He will dwell with you and (his message) will find a place in your hearts".

Ziarah - Maqam Qutub (Polar) Osman Effendi Fazlullah (q)

At the Entrance

Making Dua

The Maqam of Qutub Osman

Outside the Maqam

Qutub Osman Effendi (q) is located outside the Namik Kemal High School in Famagusta, Northern Cyprus. It is about 2 hrs drive from Lefke.  

People we met in Cyprus...

Shaykh Ammanallah from France giving us a Sohba

Shaykh Ammanallah from France
Shaykh from Syria

Shaykh Adnan from Central Asia
Shaykh Farhad (right) and a Shaykh from Germany
(from left to right) Bro Ihsan (from Turkey), Bro Zaheed (from USA) and Bro Fedly

  People at the Lefke's Derga...
A Mureed Contemplating Behind Maulana's Chair

 Bro Abu Bakar from UK
Sufilive Cameraman (left) & Derga Shop-owner (right)

 Derga's Shop Owner
Mureeds from Central Asia

Mureed from Africa holding a recently chopped wood with the word Allah

Helping out with Chores at the Derga

A Mureed from Istanbul

It is good Adab to socialize and introduce yourself to the people in the Derga. Be mindful of your adab when you are meeting the Shaykhs.  You will never know the words of wisdom that they will give to you...

Maulana's Shaykh Nazim's House

 In front of Maulana's House
 Ya Malikul Mulk
 Blue Roof
 Living Room
 Living Room
Dining Area for Ladies



Maulana's Shaykh Nazim other house & Maulana Shaykh Hisham's House

Maulana Shaykh Hisham House in Lefke is situated five minutes drive from Maulana Shaykh Nazim's House

The Derga for Men
Sholat Area

 View from the Kitchen
 Kitchen area for Men
 Sitting Area
Dining Area for Men

Hilltop Derga

 Road to the Hilltop Derga
 The Hilltop Derga

View from the Hilltop Derga