Saturday 20 June 2015

Shakhrizabz, Uzbekistan

Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi is the Ghawth (Arch-Intercessor) of the Famous Saints and the Blessing of the Scholars of Islam. He is the 22nd to the Naqshbandi Golden Chain. He is the Dawn and the Light of both the East and the West. He is the Master of the Kingdom of Guidance. 

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Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

100 over years tree near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Snow Peak Mountain near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi 22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Seclusion area near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi 22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Mosque near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Mosque near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Mosque near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

With the Imam and Caretaker of Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi 22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

100 over years Elm Tree near the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi 22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Signing the Guest Book at the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi 22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Having tea at the Makam of Khazrat Dervish Mukhammad as Samarqandi
22nd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Khodja Makhmud al-Imkanaki 23rd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain was the Inheritor of the Secrets of the Prophet and the Ultimate of the Preferred Saints. He was the Imam whose majestic position everyone acknowledged and whose blessings reached far and wide.

Makam of Khodja Makhmud al-Imkanaki 23rd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

He was the Inheritor of the Secrets of the Prophet (pbuh) and the Ultimate of the Preferred Saints. He was the Imam whose majestic position everyone acknowledged and whose blessings reached far and wide.

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Makam of Khodja Makhmud al-Imkanaki 23rd in Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Makam of Khodja Makhmud al-Imkanaki 23rd in Naqshbandi Golden Chai

Kok Gumbaz Mosque / Dorut Tilovat (Dorut Tilavat) Complex

A Friday mosque built in 1437 by Ulugh Beg in honor of his father Shah Rukh, its name meaning “Blue Dome”. Located immediately behind the Kok Gumbaz Mosque is the so-called “House of Meditation”, amausoleum built by Ulugh Beg in 1438 but apparently never used for burials.

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Complex and Mosque of Kuk Gumbaz – build by Ulugbek (XV c.)

Timur's Summer Palace, the “White Palace” or Ak-Saray Palace 

It was planned as the most grandiose of all Timur's constructions. It was started in 1380 by artisans deported by Timur from the recently conquered Khwarezm. Unfortunately, only traces of its gigantic 65 m gate-towers survive, with blue, white and gold mosaics. Above the entry of the Ak-Saray are big letters saying: "If you challenge our power - look at our buildings!"

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)
Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Ak-Saray Palace – summer residence of Great Timur (XIV-XV c.)

Formerly known as Kesh (i.e., "heart-pleasing") and tentatively identified with the ancient Nautaca, Shahrisabz is one of Central Asia’s most ancient cities. It was founded more than 2700 years ago. its name was officially changed to Shahrisabz in the modern era.
From the 6th to 4th centuries BC it was a part of Akhemenid empire. Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy captured the satrap of Bactria and pretender to the Persian throne, Bessus, at Nautaca thus ending the once great Achaemenid Empire. Alexander the Great chose to spend his winters and met his wife Roxanna in the area in 328-327 BC.
From 4th to 8th century Kesh was one of urban centers of Sogdiana.
Between 567 and 658 rulers of Kesh paid taxes to caghans of Turkic and Western Turkic caghanates.
In 710 city was conqured by Arabs.
Shahrisabz was the birthplace of Timur on April 9, 1336, to the family of a minor local chief, and during the early years of the Timurid Dynasty, enjoyed its considerable patronage. Timur regarded Shahrisabz as his “home town” and planned it eventually to be the location of his tomb. However, during the Timurid period, the center of activity shifted to Samarkand instead.

The Only Hotel in Shahrisabz...