Saturday 20 June 2015

Termez & Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abū ‘Īsá Muḥammad ibn ‛Īsá as-Sulamī aḍ-Ḍarīr al-Būghī at-Tirmidhī (Arabic: أبو عيسى محمد بن عيسى السلمي الضرير البوغي الترمذي‎; Persian: ترمذی‎, Termezī; 824 – 8 October 892), often referred to as Imām at-Termezī/Tirmidhī, was a Persian slamic scholar and collector of hadith who wrote al-Jami` as-Sahih (known as Jami` at-Tirmidhi), one of the six canonical hadith compilations in Sunni Islam. 

Complex of Imam At-Termiziy

Complex of Imam At-Termiziy

Complex of Imam At-Termiziy
He also wrote Shama'il Muhammadiyah (popularly known as Shama'il at-Tirmidhi), a compilation of hadiths concerning the person and character of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. At-Tirmidhi was also well versed in Arabic grammar, favoring the school of Kufa over Basra due to the former's preservation of Arabic poetry as a primary source.

His Books

  1. Al-Jami` Al-Mukhtasar min As-Sunan `an Rasulillah, known as “Jami` At-Tirmidhi)
  2. Al-`Ilal As-Sughra
  3. Az-Zuhd
  4. Al-`Ilal Al-Kubra
  5. Ash-Shama’il An-Nabawiyyah wa Al-Fada’il Al-Mustafawiyyah
  6. Al-Asmaa’ wa Al-Kuna
  7. Kitab At-Tarikh

Mausoleum of Imam At-Termiziy

Mausoleum of Imam At-Termiziy

Imam Tirmidhi was very close to Imam Bukhari, Imam Tirmidhi was a Shaf'i or Hanbal. Conclusion was whether he was mujthaid or muqallid as he was close to Imam Bukhari some claim he followed his madhab.At-Tirmidhi was blind in the last two years of his life, according to adh-Dhahabi.His blindness is said to have been the consequence of excessive weeping, either due to fear of God or over the death of al-Bukhari.He died on Monday night, 13 Rajab 279 AH (Sunday night, 8 October 892)in Bugh.At-Tirmidhi is buried on the outskirts of Sherobod, a 60 kilometers north of Termez in Uzbekistan. In Termez he is locally known as Abu Isa at-Termezi or "Termez Ota" ("Father of Termez").

Mosque of Imam At-Termiziy

Mosque of Imam At-Termiziy

Seclusion Area at Imam At-Termiziy Complex

Seclusion Area at Imam At-Termiziy Complex

Complex of Imam At-Termiziy

Mosque Tilla-Shaykh  (19 c) – “Mosque of Khast  Imam”  where  the oldest QUR’ANI KARIM  (VIIc) of SAYIDINA OSMAN is kept (Taskent)

The Square of Khazrati Imam {(16 c) – the square was reconstructed at
the last century} (Tashkent)

Kaffal Al-Shashi Mausoleum {(16 c) – the tomb of Imam Abu Bakr
Mukhammad al-Kaffal Shashi, he is known as one of the first Muslim Imams and famous poet and prophet} (Tashkent)

Madrassah and Mosque Barak Khan {(15-16 c) – was built by Suyunidj Khan, first ruler of Uzbek dynasty of the Shaybonids}. (Tashkent)

Stalk in the Garden Compound
Kaffal Al-Shashi Mausoleum {(16 c) – the tomb of Imam Abu Bakr Mukhammad al-Kaffal Shashi, he is known as one of the first Muslim Imams and famous poet and prophet} (Tashkent)

Kaffal Al-Shashi Mausoleum {(16 c) – the tomb of Imam Abu Bakr Mukhammad al-Kaffal Shashi, he is known as one of the first Muslim Imams and famous poet and prophet} (Tashkent)

Chorsu Market

Chorsu Market

Chorsu Market

Chorsu Market

Hotel Uzbekistan

Streets of Tashkent

Streets of Tashkent

With the Best Guide Maskura and Best Driver Shukrat 
Thank you for being such a Great Host... : )